Born in Cabrils, Barcelona. She began her musical studies at Barcelona’s Conservatory. At age 17 she studied at the School for Creative and Performing Arts in Cincinnati, Ohio, where she graduated in violin as her major. Back to Barcelona, she combined her musical studies with her English Philology degree at Barcelona’s University and later on recieved an Erasmus Scholarship to study at Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
In 2012, she graduated on the classical and contemporary singing degree at the School of Music of Catalonia with Assumpta Mateu and Enedina Lloris, and historic singing with Lambert Climent, and in 2013 she obtained the Master's degree in Early Music Performance specializing in historical singing under the direction of Marta Alamjano and Juan Carlos Asensio the Barcelona’s Universitat Autònoma. She has received master classes from Mireia Pintó, Enrique Ricci, José Hernández, Montserrat Figueras, Richard Levitt, David Maison, Gerd Türk, Kurt Widmer, Cindee Sanner, Ofelia Sala, Maria Cristina Kierh, Rosa Dominguez, Marcel Boone, Jordi Domenech, Marta Matheu and nowadays she works with Dolors Aldea.
Professionally, she works with La Capella Reial de Catalunya, Cor de Cambra del Palau de la Música, Música Ficta Ensamble, Cor de Cambra Francesc Valls from Barcelona’s Cathedral, with Coro Barroco de Sevilla, Vozes de Al Ayre Español and Música Reservata among others, and she has worked under the direction of Jordi Savall, Eduardo Lopez Banzo, Enrico Onofre, Salvador Mas, Josep Vila, Mireia Barrera, Lluís Vilamajó, Raúl Mallavibarrena, Mara Galassi, Emilio Moreno, Xavier Puig i Raúl Mallavibarrena.
She has recorded “In Excelsis Deo Au temps de la guerre de Succession d'Espagne 1701-1714. Valls i Desmarest” (AliaVox, 2016),“Dixit Dominus Vivaldi, Mozart Händel” (AliaVox 2015) and “Messe en Si Mineur” from J.S. Bach under the direction of Jordi Savall (AliaVox, 2011), and “Il pìu bel nome” d'Antionio Caldara (Glossa, 2009) under the direction of Emílio Moreno, “Espacios Sonoros en la Catedral de Jaén” under the direction of Enrico Onofre (OBS Prometeo, 2013), and “Mestres de Capella de la Catedral de Barcelona. Pujol, Albareda, Barter i Valls" (La Mà de Guido, 2011) under the direction of David Malet.
Currently, she is developing her own projectes with La Sonorsa / WorkinGOpera with whom she performs Spanish Barroc music from 17th and 18th and Vox Harmonica Vocal Ensamble specialized on vocal music. She combines her performing with the vocal pedagogy and choir conducting.